Why mountains matter in global sustainable development

Why mountains matter in global sustainable development


Policy brief presented at Rio+20


Mountains provide vital goods and services for the benefit of all humankind, for supporting sustainable development at a global level, and for moving the world towards a greener economy. But provision of these goods and services is at risk. The global...

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Why mountains matter for North America

Why mountains matter for North America


Policy brief presented at Rio+20


North America’s mountains are a primary source of fresh water. Other natural resources, such as coal and natural gas, are pillars of North American energy economies. The recreation and tourism industry – the lifeblood of many mountain communities – contributes significant revenues...

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Why the Andes matter

Why the Andes matter


Policy brief presented at Rio+20


The Andes, covering 33% of the area of the Andean countries, are vital for the livelihoods of the majority of the region’s population and the countries’ economies. However, increasing pressure, fuelled by growing population numbers, changes in land use, unsustainable exploitation of...

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Why mountains matter for Meso America

Why mountains matter for Meso America


Policy brief presented at Rio+20


Mountains in Meso America cover 25.2% of the region and hold a remarkable 12% of the world’s biodiversity on only about 2% of the earth’s land surface. A total of 86 indigenous ethnic groups occupy 54.2% of the mountain territories. The greatest...

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Why mountains matter for Central, Eastern and South-Eastern Europe

Why mountains matter for Central, Eastern and South-Eastern Europe


Policy brief presented at Rio+20


The mountains of Central, Eastern and South Eastern Europe have played a key social, economic and environmental role in the development of the nations and peoples that have resided there since time immemorial. Being both natural barriers and safe havens not only...

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ICIMOD Annual Report 2011 now released

ICIMOD Annual Report 2011 now released


The Annual Report 2011 gives a brief overview of ICIMOD’s activities over the past year including advocating mountain issues in global forums, an international conference on green economy and sustainable mountain development, and important contributions to knowledge of snow and glacier cover and climate change impacts in the...

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