Submissions for UN report on mountains

Submissions for UN report on mountains


The Mountain Partnership Secretariat (MPS) is currently compiling summaries of the most important results of mountain development activities since July 2013 for the United Nations Secretary General (UNSG) Report on Sustainable Mountain Development.

Now requested every three years, the MPS and the Food and Agriculture Organization (FAO) of the United Nations,...

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Summer course to focus on managing mountain resources

Summer course to focus on managing mountain resources

peak to peak

 Issue 91 – Month 4 – Year 2016

The April issue of Peak to Peak reveals that this year’s IPROMO course will focus on managing mountain resources and diversities – the role of protected areas, in Ormea, Italy, in July. The newsletter also shares calls for mountain-related...

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Our Journey in 2015: Mountain Partnership Secretariat Annual Report

Our Journey in 2015: Mountain Partnership Secretariat Annual Report


The Mountain Partnership Secretariat (MPS) outlines its key achievements in promoting sustainable mountain development (SMD) in its 2015 annual report. The annual report describes the Secretariat’s work in advocacy, communication and knowledge management, promoting International Mountain Day, brokering joint action and leading capacity development initiatives. One of the its most...

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Restoring wisents to the Carpathians

Restoring wisents to the Carpathians


The situation of wisent (European Bison – Bison bonasus), the largest terrestrial mammal on the continent, is far from secure. After centuries of habitat loss and degradation and severe poaching resulted in the near-extinction of wisents in Europe, efforts have been underway to restore this great species to the Carpathian...

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MP member wins sustainability award

MP member wins sustainability award


On June 2015, Fundación Cordillera Tropical (FCT) won the 2015 National Energy Globe Award for Ecuador in recognition of its commitment to creating sustainable livelihoods in the southern Ecuadorian Andes. Energy Globe, the world award for sustainability, recognized FCT's program to promote pasture restoration on private land bordering Sangay National Park...

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Understanding mountain soils

Understanding mountain soils


In every mountain region, soils constitute the foundation for agriculture, supporting essential ecosystem functions and food security. Mountain soils benefit not only the 900 million people living in the world’s mountainous areas but also billions more living downstream.

Soil is a fragile resource that needs time to regenerate. Mountain...

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