A Year-long Ascent: Mountain Partnership Secretariat Annual Report 2014

A Year-long Ascent: Mountain Partnership Secretariat Annual Report 2014


The Mountain Partnership Secretariat (MPS) reflects its key achievements in promoting sustainable mountain development (SMD) in its 2014 annual report. Using mountain climbing as an analogy to facing SMD challenges, the annual report outlines its work in advocacy, communication and knowledge management, promoting International Mountain Day, brokering joint action and...

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Transnational Working Table 1

Transnational Working Table 1


The first of two workshops on the results of projects in mountainous European countries and on the development of the Alps will allow participants to share knowledge and experiences on Alpine Space Projects. The meeting will also discuss WikiAlps, an encyclopaedia-like online platform, and its potential use in policy design...

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The World Wilderness Congress (WWC): WILD10-Make the World a Wilder Place

The World Wilderness Congress (WWC): WILD10-Make the World a Wilder Place


How can we protect, sustain and restore wild nature while also providing enhanced social and economic opportunities for human society? A full concept paper and specific proposals are available for WILD10 projects under three main streams: PLANET - Nature Needs Half, PROSPERITY - Living With and From Nature...

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University of Central Asia staffer receives government award

University of Central Asia staffer receives government award

peak to peak

Issue 59 - Month 7 - Year 2013



Our new issue of Peak to Peak reports on the programme officer for the Mountain Partnership in Central Asia receiving recognition from the Kyrgyz government. We also look at new Mountain Partnership members and activities,...

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Mountains: Key Players for Global Sustainable Development


Mountains: Key Players for Global Sustainable Development


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Mountains under Watch 2013 (MUW13)

Mountains under Watch 2013 (MUW13)


Mountains Under Watch is an interdisciplinary conference that aims at bringing together scientists and experts working in the diverse fields of climate change studies in mountain areas around the world. The specific goal of the conference is to share experiences, methods and strategies for long term observations and monitoring of...

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