Mountain Research and Development, Volume 30, Issue 4 (November 2010) available online and open access


The current issue of MRD is available online and free of charge from BioOne. It contains work on various topics relevant to sustainable development in mountains, ranging from tourism and impacts of tourism to biodiversity in relation to human activities, poverty and food security, livestock production, and interaction between indigenous...

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Mountain Biodiversity and Global Change

Mountain Biodiversity and Global Change


The present brochure, published by the Global Mountain Biodiversity Assessment (GMBA) of DIVERSITAS, Institute of Botany, University of Basel with the support of the Swiss Agency for Development and Cooperation (SDC), has been prepared as a contribution to the International Year of Biodiversity 2010 and the Conference of Parties of...

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United Nations General Assembly Resolution: Sustainable Mountain Development (2010)

United Nations General Assembly Resolution: Sustainable Mountain Development (2010)


Resolution adopted by the General Assembly on Sustainable mountain development at the 64th Session. A/RES/64/205


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WFC: Mountain Partnership Event

WFC: Mountain Partnership Event


Mountain Partnership Event


The session "Mountain forest products and livelihoods'', co-organized by the Mountain Partnership Secretariat, FAO, TMI and Condesan, will be held during the Thirteenth World Forestry Congress (XIII WFC) themed “Forests in Development: A Vital Balance,” co-organized by FAO and the Government of Argentina, on...

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Mountains: energy, water and food for life.

Mountains: energy, water and food for life.


The international conference “Mountains: energy, water and food for life. The SHARE project: understanding the impacts of climate change” has been organized in Milan on May 27-28, by the EvK2Cnr Committee, Milan Municipality-Commission for Mobility, Transportation and the Environment, Milan-Expo 2015 Committee, CNR-Italian National Research Council, in collaboration...

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United Nations General Assembly Resolution: Sustainable Mountain Development (2008)

United Nations General Assembly Resolution: Sustainable Mountain Development (2008)


Resolution adopted by the General Assembly on Sustainable mountain development at the 60th Session. A/RES/62/196


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