Sustainable mountain tourism: FAO

Sustainable mountain tourism: FAO's high-level virtual event to mark International Mountain Day

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The December 2021 issue of Peak to Peak announces the Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations' official celebration of International Mountain Day 2021, to be held on 10 December. Top news stories cover mountain-related events at the United Nations Climate Change Conference, the unveiling of a rooftop farm...

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FAO unveils rooftop farm at Rome headquarters

FAO unveils rooftop farm at Rome headquarters


FAO has installed a prototype rooftop farm at its Rome headquarters to highlight how innovative technology can help increase access to healthy diets from sustainable agri-food systems.

Housed entirely in mobile, triangle-shaped modules made of corrosion-retarding steel, the farm will be equipped with an intelligent automated system that ensures crops get...

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FAO's Work in Mountains: Building the Road to Recovery for Mountain Peoples


This article was written by the Mountain Partnership Secretariat for the Mountain Research and Development journal. The COVID-19 crisis has added urgency to an already difficult situation in mountains. Mountain communities are highly dependent on agriculture, tourism, and remittances for their survival, and their vulnerabilities to a range of challenges—including...

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University of Milan launches mountain education manifesto at Expo 2020 Dubai

University of Milan launches mountain education manifesto at Expo 2020 Dubai


The University of Milan’s UNIMONT Centre launched a youth-centred manifesto for the promotion of a sustainable and lively future in mountain areas globally at Expo 2020 Dubai.

The Mountain Education and Innovation Manifesto (MEIM) was created through an international consultation involving over 100 youth from 28 countries around the world....

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Winner of GROW Summer School agrobiodiversity innovation contest announced

Winner of GROW Summer School agrobiodiversity innovation contest announced

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The October 2021 issue of Peak to Peak announces the winner of the GROW Summer School agrobiodiversity innovation contest. Top news stories cover two mountain-related UNFCCC Pre-Cop26 side events and updates on mountains in the Expo 2020 Dubai programme. Peak to Peak continues with a look at upcoming events in...

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Spotlighting solutions for building resilience in mountains at High Summit COP26

Spotlighting solutions for building resilience in mountains at High Summit COP26


Diversification of livelihoods, capacity development, investments and pro-mountain policies are needed to build the resilience of mountain peoples to shocks and global changes, Mountain Partnership Secretariat Programme Officer Rosalaura Romeo said at the High Summit COP26.

Romeo discussed the socioeconomic impacts of climate change in mountain regions during the panel session...

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