Celebrating bees’ role in mountains

Celebrating bees’ role in mountains


The importance of bees for maintaining the provision of ecosystem services, ensuring humankind’s well-being and promoting sustainable development – especially in mountains – was highlighted in a World Bee Day celebration organized by the Central Himalayan Institute for Nature and Applied Research (CHINAR) and VToujours on 20 May.

In recent years,...

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MP's dialogue highlights sustainable food systems in mountains


The diversity of mountain food systems and the role of mountain people as custodians of knowledge and agrobiodiversity were highlighted in an Independent Dialogue organized by the Mountain Partnership Secretariat to inform the first-ever UN Food Systems Summit. This milestone Summit, which will take place in New York in September...

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Dare to bee: Understanding bees, well-being and sustainability - World Bee Day

Dare to bee: Understanding bees, well-being and sustainability - World Bee Day


In celebration of World Bee Day on 20 May 2021, the Central Himalayan Institute for Nature and Applied Research (CHINAR) in partnership with VToujours will host a webinar to explore the current state of bees' habitats. The virtual event will discuss solutions being implemented by different actors around the world for the...

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Mountains and sustainable food systems: Drivers of sustainable development

Mountains and sustainable food systems: Drivers of sustainable development


As a contribution to the UN Food Systems Summit 2021, the Mountain Partnership Secretariat will host an independent dialogue on "Mountains and sustainable food systems: Drivers of sustainable development" on 18 May. The dialogue aims to show the specificity of mountain food systems as well as generate innovative and...

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Highlighting the sustainable management of mountain grasslands

Highlighting the sustainable management of mountain grasslands


Grasslands cover 15.9 percent of the area of the 28 countries of the European Union (EU-28) and represent the third most dominant ecosystem in Europe as well as one of the most widespread habitats in mountains. Besides being central to food production, mountain grasslands deliver a number of public goods...

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Indicators for Elevating Mountains in the Convention on Biological Diversity’s Post-2020 Global Biodiversity Framework

Indicators for Elevating Mountains in the Convention on Biological Diversity’s Post-2020 Global Biodiversity Framework


In November 2020, the CBD Subsidiary Body On Scientific, Technical and Technological Advice (CBD/SBSTTA/24/3Add.13) released a set of indicators to support the Post-2020 Global Biodiversity Framework. This brief highlights the indicators considered important for safeguarding mountain biodiversity and ecosystem integrity, in line with previous policy recommendations presented at the...

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