Renewing commitment to mountain development: Mountain Partnership rendez-vous at Rio+20

Renewing commitment to mountain development: Mountain Partnership rendez-vous at Rio+20





6 June 2012 / Rome (Italy) Under the slogan “The future we want: mountains as living solutions for development”, more than 50 members of the Mountain Partnership will hold their Third Global Meeting in the Mountain Pavilion within the framework of the Rio+20 Conference...

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ETFRN News 53: Moving Forward with Forest Governance

ETFRN News 53: Moving Forward with Forest Governance


The 29 articles in this issue of ETFRN (European Tropical Forest Research Network) News, produced by Tropenbos International, showcase a rich diversity of examples of how forest governance has been addressed in various settings. The current issue brings together experiences from a wide range of forest governance reform initiatives....

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Study Finds There’s Still Hope For Himalayan Glaciers

Study Finds There’s Still Hope For Himalayan Glaciers


Previous fears regarding the Himalayan glacier may have been unduly warranted, according to the results of the HIGHNOON (Adaption to changing water resources availability in northern India with Himalayan glacier retreat and changing monsoon pattern) project. Researchers led by the University of Zurich in Switzerland claim that previous...

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Brazil launches Green Passport Campaign on Eve of World Environment Day

Brazil launches Green Passport Campaign on Eve of World Environment Day


The Green Passport initiative has been launched by the UN Environment Programme (UNEP) and the government of Brazil in Rio de Janeiro. The campaign, which started ahead of World Environment Day on 5 June, aims to help travelers become more environmentally conscious. UNEP spokesperson Nick Nuttall says thousands...

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AfDB and WWF to launch Africa Ecological Footprint Report

AfDB and WWF to launch Africa Ecological Footprint Report


The African Development Bank (AfDB) and global conservation group WWF (World Wide Fund for Nature) have launched today a joint report on the state of Africa’s environment. The Africa Ecological Footprint Report takes stock of the health of Africa’s ecosystems, as well as trends in resources use...

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Altai Republic in Mountain Partnership

Altai Republic in Mountain Partnership


 Правительство Республики Алтай подтвердило свою готовность и заинтересованность в продолжении работы в Международном партнерстве по устойчивому развитию горных регионов (Горное Партнерство) при Продовольственной и сельскохозяйственной Организации Объединенных Наций.

Основным координатором Партнёрства от Республики Алтай назначен министр экономического развития и инвестиций РА Александр Алчубаев. Некоммерческая организация "Фонд устойчивого развития Алтая" рекомендована в...

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