Mountain gorilla population grows

Mountain gorilla population grows


The total world population of mountain gorillas has risen to 880, according to census data released a week ago by the Uganda Wildlife Authority. The critically endangered animals live only in two locations, Bwindi and the Virunga Massif area, which spans parts of Democratic Republic of the Congo, Uganda and...

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Multimedia on policy recommendations for SMD in the Andes

Multimedia on policy recommendations for SMD in the Andes


During the Regional Workshop Post-Rio +20 "Sustainable Mountain Development: Building the future we need" held on November 12-14 in Lima, Peru, the Consortium for Sustainable Development of the Andean Ecoregion (CONDESAN) launched a multimedia which containing key information and policy recommendations for sustainable mountain development in the Andes.


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Ecuador presents National Strategy on Climate Change 2012-2025

Ecuador presents National Strategy on Climate Change 2012-2025


The Minister of Environment of Ecuador, Marcela Aquiñaga, has presented the National Strategy on Climate Change. The strategy proposes, among other things, to step up efforts to conserve forest resources, mangroves and paramos, supporting and promoting energy efficiency, improving environmental practices and reducing consumption of resources.

Please see complete information in...

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COFO 2012: World Forest Week

COFO 2012: World Forest Week


World leaders at Rio+20 agreed that forests have a significant role to play in addressing many sustainable development challenges.  To help fulfil this role, the Committee on Forestry (COFO) 2012 will focus on translating the results of Rio+20 into action and strengthening forestry’s many cross-sectoral linkages. In the COFO framework,...

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Intergovernamental Negotiating Committee (INC-Forests) - 3 to 7 September 2012, in Bonn, Germany

Intergovernamental Negotiating Committee (INC-Forests) - 3 to 7 September 2012, in Bonn, Germany


At the FOREST EUROPE Ministerial Conference, held in Oslo from 14 to 16 June 2011, ministers responsible for forests decided to take further international action consisting of the elaboration of a legally binding agreement on forests in Europe and established an Intergovernmental Negotiating Committee with the mandate to...

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Colombia has new environmental law to the conservation of National Natural Parks and forests

Colombia has new environmental law to the conservation of National Natural Parks and forests


The President of Colombia, Juan Manuel Santos, approved the environmental law “Gloria Valencia de Castaño” granting tax benefits to contributors who make donations for the conservation of National Natural Parks and the forests of Colombia.

Taxpayers will make donations to the National Parks Unit to fund the conservation of  these parks...

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