Third International Women of the Mountains Conference


The goals of the 2012 Women of the Mountains International Conference were to discuss pressing issues concerning mountain communities in the Andean regions of Peru and Surrounding countries; to continue traditions of two previous international Conferences, organized by UVU and IUK in Orem, Utah in 2007 and 2011; and to...

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What women want from Rio+20

What women want from Rio+20


As first recognized twenty years ago, at the UN Conference on the Environment and Development in Rio, women have a vital role in environmental management and development. Their full participation is therefore essential to achieve sustainable development.

UN Women, the newest member of the United Nations family, will be championing...

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ICIMOD Annual Report 2011 now released

ICIMOD Annual Report 2011 now released


The Annual Report 2011 gives a brief overview of ICIMOD’s activities over the past year including advocating mountain issues in global forums, an international conference on green economy and sustainable mountain development, and important contributions to knowledge of snow and glacier cover and climate change impacts in the...

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Mountain Pavilion to be presented by Peru during RIO+20

Mountain Pavilion to be presented by Peru during RIO+20


With the collaboration of strategic international partners, the Government of Peru is leading the organization of the Mountain Pavilion at Rio+20. The initiative aims to showcase achievements and progress towards sustainable development in mountain regions to representatives of 191 countries and civil society present at the conference. More...

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Shared learning session: study tour of Kyrgyz women group to India

Shared learning session: study tour of Kyrgyz women group to India


When the Mountain Partnership Central Asia Hub (MPCA) hub was approached by a group of women-entrepreneurs inspired by their 10-day visit to India telling us of their need in sharing their experience and new knowledge, we welcomed the idea by offering one of our knowledge sharing platforms as SLS...

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United Nations General Assembly Resolution: Sustainable Mountain Development (2012)

United Nations General Assembly Resolution: Sustainable Mountain Development (2012)


Resolution adopted by the General Assembly on Sustainable mountain development at the 66th Session. A/RES/66/205


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