Method for climate adaptation in the mountains

Method for climate adaptation in the mountains


Active Remedy Ltd submitted a report - outlining a method/tool for working with mountain communities and integrating modern and traditional knowledge conservation approaches – to a United Nations Convention on Climate Change (UNFCCC) database. The worldwide database gathers various uses of Local, Indigenous and Traditional Knowledge and Practices for...

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Submissions for UN report on mountains

Submissions for UN report on mountains


The Mountain Partnership Secretariat (MPS) is currently compiling summaries of the most important results of mountain development activities since July 2013 for the United Nations Secretary General (UNSG) Report on Sustainable Mountain Development.

Now requested every three years, the MPS and the Food and Agriculture Organization (FAO) of the United Nations,...

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Mountain Research and Development issue online

Mountain Research and Development issue online


When exploring pathways for sustainable development, knowledge about context matters just as much as our understanding of global processes. Papers in Open Issue (Vol 36, No 1) of Mountain Research and Development (MRD) carefully examine the changing social-ecological context and the global factors influencing it. Papers offer insights...

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Indigenous adaptation knowledge in mountains

Indigenous adaptation knowledge in mountains


Mountain ecosystems and communities are extremely vulnerable to climate change. There is evidence that temperatures are rising faster at higher altitudes. High mountains are ‘highly temperature sensitive regions’, with several extreme impact events of recent decades attributed to warming, according to the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC). Glacier retreat...

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Pastoralists plan knowledge hub in Mongolia

Pastoralists plan knowledge hub in Mongolia


The Central Asian Meeting of Pastoralists was held in Hustai National Park in Mongolia to set up the Pastoralist Knowledge Hub on 26-29 July 2015. Around 40 representatives of pastoralist communities and pastoralist leaders from eight Central Asian countries - the Altai Republic of the Russian Federation, China, India, Kazakhstan,...

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New book reveals sacred sites in Kyrgyz highlands

New book reveals sacred sites in Kyrgyz highlands


A new book, “Values of Naryn: Breathing Sacredness and Precious Wisdom,” is dedicated to sacred sites and previously unrecorded knowledge on spiritual and household practices, rituals, customs and oral history of local population, living in highlands of Naryn province in Kyrgyzstan. All the data was collected by a team of...

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