Green economy

Covering 27 percent of the earth's surface and home to nearly 15 percent of the global population, mountains provide globally significant goods and services vital for the well-being of humanity as well as ecological health of the planet.

Roughly 60-80 percent of the world's freshwater resources for domestic, agricultural and industrial consumption originate from mountains. By providing vital ecosystem, provisioning and supporting services, mountains contribute directly and indirectly to the economic development, environmental protection, and human well-being to populations living in mountainous areas and in the downstream regions.

Mountains are crucial for the green economy due to myriad of goods and services they provide to upstream and downstream populations. A significant share of world’s resources coming from mountains for mining, forestry, water for drinking and irrigation directly contribute to the economic development. Mountain products and services form the basis for many economic sectors – food, pharmaceuticals, cosmetics, agriculture, forestry and rangeland production, hydropower generation, tourism and others.

Economic growth and sustainability in the  uplands and lowlands is directly linked with ensuring sustainable supply of mountain ecosystem resources that support livelihoods of a billion people living in mountain regions.

In the face of global challenges, such as climate change, the sustainable management of the ecological wealth of mountains is key to ensuring the wellbeing of people and the planet. 

Tourism in Mountain Regions - Hopes, Fears and Realities

Tourism in Mountain Regions - Hopes, Fears and Realities


Mountain regions across the globe are important tourist destinations. Today, there is practically no region in the world where the special qualities of mountains are not acknowledged by tourists. For many mountain regions, tourism has become an important economic resource, bringing new jobs and incomes, and supporting traditional systems that would otherwise be in serious...

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Transnational Working Table 1

Transnational Working Table 1


The first of two workshops on the results of projects in mountainous European countries and on the development of the Alps will allow participants to share knowledge and experiences on Alpine Space Projects. The meeting will also discuss WikiAlps, an encyclopaedia-like online platform, and its potential use in policy design...

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Mountain gorilla population grows

Mountain gorilla population grows


The total world population of mountain gorillas has risen to 880, according to census data released a week ago by the Uganda Wildlife Authority. The critically endangered animals live only in two locations, Bwindi and the Virunga Massif area, which spans parts of Democratic Republic of the Congo, Uganda and...

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World Clean Technology Summit

World Clean Technology Summit


The World Clean Technology Summit (WCTS) hosted by Pilot International, will be held from 26 to 28 September 2012, in Kampala, Uganda. The Summit will bring together world leaders in renewable energy, exhibitors, investors, scientists and clean technology providers from around the world to engage, interact with each other, exchange...

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Президент Дагестана:"Мы не должны забывать о горной местности"

Президент Дагестана:"Мы не должны забывать о горной местности"


19 сентября 2012 года. Дагестан. Президент Дагестана Магомедсалам Магомедов встретился с членами Ассоциации «Горные территории Дагестана» в рамках своего рабочего визита в Хунзахский район. В поездке главу республики сопровождали: заместитель председателя правительства РД Ризван Газимагомедов, начальник Управления территориального развития и местного самоуправления президента РД Артур Исрапилов, министр сельского хозяйства РД...

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2nd Global Conference on Agriculture, Food Security and Climate Change: “Hunger for Action”

2nd Global Conference on Agriculture, Food Security and Climate Change: “Hunger for Action”


The second Global Conference on Agriculture, Food Security and Climate Change, will be held from 3 to 7 September 2012 in Hanoi, Viet Nam. The Conference is co-organized by the Governments of Viet Nam and the Netherlands, in collaboration with other partners, including the World Bank and the Food and...

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