Green economy

Covering 27 percent of the earth's surface and home to nearly 15 percent of the global population, mountains provide globally significant goods and services vital for the well-being of humanity as well as ecological health of the planet.

Roughly 60-80 percent of the world's freshwater resources for domestic, agricultural and industrial consumption originate from mountains. By providing vital ecosystem, provisioning and supporting services, mountains contribute directly and indirectly to the economic development, environmental protection, and human well-being to populations living in mountainous areas and in the downstream regions.

Mountains are crucial for the green economy due to myriad of goods and services they provide to upstream and downstream populations. A significant share of world’s resources coming from mountains for mining, forestry, water for drinking and irrigation directly contribute to the economic development. Mountain products and services form the basis for many economic sectors – food, pharmaceuticals, cosmetics, agriculture, forestry and rangeland production, hydropower generation, tourism and others.

Economic growth and sustainability in the  uplands and lowlands is directly linked with ensuring sustainable supply of mountain ecosystem resources that support livelihoods of a billion people living in mountain regions.

In the face of global challenges, such as climate change, the sustainable management of the ecological wealth of mountains is key to ensuring the wellbeing of people and the planet. 

Altai Republic in Mountain Partnership

Altai Republic in Mountain Partnership


 Правительство Республики Алтай подтвердило свою готовность и заинтересованность в продолжении работы в Международном партнерстве по устойчивому развитию горных регионов (Горное Партнерство) при Продовольственной и сельскохозяйственной Организации Объединенных Наций.

Основным координатором Партнёрства от Республики Алтай назначен министр экономического развития и инвестиций РА Александр Алчубаев. Некоммерческая организация "Фонд устойчивого развития Алтая" рекомендована в...

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Altai Republic in Mountain Partnership

Altai Republic in Mountain Partnership


The Government of Altai Republic confirmed its interest in further development of its activities in SMD, in cooperation with Mountain Partnership Secretariat at FAO.

Mr. Aleksander Alchubaev, the minister of economic  development and investments of Altai Republic, was appointed as a focal point of the Mountain Partnership in Altai.  The local...

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World Environment Day 2012: UNEP calls for action

World Environment Day 2012: UNEP calls for action


World Environment Day 2012 will be celebrated on 5 June 2012, under the theme "Green Economy: Does it include you?". World Environment Day 2012, hosted by Brazil, will mark the 40th anniversary of the Day. The celebration began in 1972 and has grown to become one of the main vehicles...

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Ninth International Banana Forum and First International Congress of Biotechnology and Biodiversity

Ninth International Banana Forum and First International Congress of Biotechnology and Biodiversity


The First International Congress of Biotechnology and Biodiversity will be held from 28 to 31 May 2012, at the Hilton Colon Hotel in Guayaquil, Ecuador. The Congress, organized by the Biotechnology Research Center of Ecuador and the Association of Banana Exporters of Ecuador, will be run in parallel with the...

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New Zealand

New Zealand's natural heritage threatened by 20 years of environmental inaction


Less than a month before world leaders meet at a major environmental summit, a WWF’s report warns that New Zealand is falling short on important commitments made at the Earth Summit 20 years ago on greenhouse gases, water quality, land and marine biodiversity, fisheries and education for sustainability. “While it...

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Mountain Pavilion to be presented by Peru during RIO+20

Mountain Pavilion to be presented by Peru during RIO+20


With the collaboration of strategic international partners, the Government of Peru is leading the organization of the Mountain Pavilion at Rio+20. The initiative aims to showcase achievements and progress towards sustainable development in mountain regions to representatives of 191 countries and civil society present at the conference. More...

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