Peak to Peak

Mountains to be featured at UNFCCC COP 23


Issue 110 – Month 11 – Year 2017

The November issue of Peak to Peak announces the two side events organized within the framework of the Mountain Partnership that will take place during the 23rd session of the Conference of the Parties (COP 23) to the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change. The newsletter continues with stories about Malawi forming a national committee on mountains, The Mountain Institute launching its new Mountain Ecosystem-based Adaptation Programme, the conclusions of the eighth Meeting of Rural Andean Peoples, and the deadline extension for the #MountainsMatter video contest. Peak to Peak provides a sampling of MP members’ activities and events and features a mountain-related publication and video.

Themes: AgricultureBiodiversidadCambio ClimàticoSeguridad alimentariaGéneroLas poblaciones autóctonasMountain productsConocimientos TradicionalesEl Agua

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