Peak to Peak

Philippine mountain producers engage in national Participatory Guarantee System


The September 2021 issue of Peak to Peak highlights the Philippines' growing national recognition of Participatory Guarantee Systems as an option for small-scale farmers and fisherfolk to get organic certification, including Mountain Partnership Products producers. Top news stories cover the first ever Latin American edition of IPROMO, a new database on climate change adaptation strategies for mountains, a solar cooker changing the lives of a family in the mountains of Tajikistan, and the building momentum towards an International Year of Rangelands and Pastoralists in 2026. Peak to Peak continues with a look at upcoming events in September and October, a featured video and a publication. Happy reading!

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Themes: AgricultureBiodiversidadCambio ClimàticoSeguridad alimentariaMountain productsSustainable tourismEl Agua

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