Peak to Peak

Mountains to be featured at UNFCCC COP22


Issue 98 – Month 11 – Year 2016

The November issue of Peak to Peak presents a complete list of mountain-related events, exhibits and fora taking place during the 22nd session of the Conference of the Parties (COP22) to the United Nations Convention on Climate Change (UNFCCC). The newsletter continues with stories about the latest report on sustainable mountain development issued by the United Nations Secretary-General; a call to governments, observer organizations and Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC) Bureau members to nominate mountain climate change experts to attend the 6th IPCC Assessment Report scoping meeting; the outcomes of the 2016 World Mountain Forum, held in October in Mbale, Uganda; and the Mountain Research Initiative’s call for applications for the position of Executive Director.  Peak to Peak provides a sampling of Mountain Partnership members’ activities and features a mountain-related publication and video.

Themes: AgricultureCambio ClimàticoSeguridad alimentariaGéneroEnergía limpiaSustainable tourismEl Agua

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