Peak to Peak

High-level mountain conference announced


Issue 105 – Month 6 – Year 2017

The June issue of Peak to Peak announces the high-level conference on mountains “Mountains under Pressure” that will be held on 11 December 2017 at the Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations in Rome, Italy. The newsletter continues with stories about the Russian Academy of Natural Sciences’ written contribution on behalf of the Mountain Partnership to the 2017 ECOSOC Integration Segment, the organization of Mountains 2018, the Global Himalayan Expedition winning the Start-Up Innovation Award for the category of “impact tourism” at the World Tourism Forum Lucerne, and a mountain stakeholder meeting held at the University of Central Asia. Peak to Peak provides a sampling of MP members’ activities and events and features a mountain-related publication and video.

Themes: BiodiversidadCambio ClimàticoLos BosquesMountain productsRiesgos NaturalesEl Agua

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