Peak to Peak

Mountain summer course in Italy to open


Issue 106 – Month 7 – Year 2017

The July issue of Peak to Peak begins with an announcement of the opening of the 2017 International Programme on Research and Training on Sustainable Management of Mountain Areas (IPROMO) on 5 July in Ormea and Pieve Tesino, Italy. The newsletter continues with stories about the establishing of a new Iberian mountain research network, the United Nations Secretary-General’s call for climate action after being shocking by the effects of climate change that he witnessed while flying over the Pamir Mountains of Tajikistan, the revealing of the theme of International Mountain Day 2017, and an overview of the projects conducted by the Save Your Future Association in the Western Highlands of Cameroon. Peak to Peak provides a sampling of MP members’ activities and events and features a mountain-related publication and video.

Themes: AgricultureCambio ClimàticoLos BosquesRiesgos NaturalesConocimientos TradicionalesEl Agua

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