Peak to Peak

Quality mountain products at Slow Food forum


Issue 97 – Month 10 – Year 2016

The October issue of Peak to Peak announces the launch of the Mountain Partnership Products Initiative at the international Slow Food forum “Terra Madre Salone del Gusto”. The newsletter continues with stories about the Mountain Partnership briefing and member consultation held during the International Union for the Conservation of Nature’s World Conservation Congress, the opening of University of Central Asia’s Naryn campus in the Kyrgyz Republic, Adrian Ward from the University of Queensland’s thesis about the economic value of carbon dioxide sequestered by mountain grasslands and shrublands, and the proceedings of the recent Central Asia Regional Consultation Meeting held in Tajikistan.  Peak to Peak provides a sampling of Mountain Partnership members’ activities and features a mountain-related publication and video.

Themes: BiodiversityClimate changeMountain productsSustainable tourismTraditional knowledgeWater

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