
Why mountains matter for Central, Eastern and South-Eastern Europe


Policy brief presented at Rio+20


The mountains of Central, Eastern and South Eastern Europe have played a key social, economic and environmental role in the development of the nations and peoples that have resided there since time immemorial. Being both natural barriers and safe havens not only for people, but also for flora and fauna, the mountains have been instrumental in shaping the Europe of today. Europe harbours large transboundary mountain groups that are located in dynamic geopolitical regions: the Balkan and Dinaric Arc, the Carpathians and the Caucasus. These mountain regions have global significance as they provide goods and ecosystems services essential for sustainable development, in particular to the lowlands and the communities living in these areas. Nonetheless, mountains are highly vulnerable to global change. Given the tight highland-lowland linkage, these changes may have serious impacts far beyond the mountain boundaries.  

Photo (c) Artur Staszewski / Flickr

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Author UNEP / MPS Eastern Europe Hub in cooperation with the Interim Secretariat of the Carpathian Convention, the European Academy (EURAC) and regional partners.
Publication year 2012
Language English

Themes: BiodiversidadCambio ClimàticoSeguridad alimentariaLos BosquesEl Agua

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