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Restoring mountain ecosystems - Challenges, case studies and recommendations for implementing the UN Decade Principles for Mountain Ecosystem Restoration

Restoring mountain ecosystems - Challenges, case studies and recommendations for implementing the UN Decade Principles for Mountain Ecosystem Restoration


Mountains are home to a variety of ecosystems that provide vital services directly to 1.1 billion people and billions of others living in connected lowland areas. Half of humanity depends on mountains for the provision of freshwater alone. Mountain ecosystems cool local temperatures, increase water retention, provide carbon storage, and...

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Towards systemic disaster risk reduction in mountains - policy brief

Towards systemic disaster risk reduction in mountains - policy brief


Mountains are multi-risk areas due to complex interactions between natural and socioeconomic factors. These multiple risks can manifest locally but can also have severe impacts in distant lowland areas, thus requiring coordinated approaches across sectors and regions. Moreover, mountain risks are embedded in the specific natural, cultural, social and economic...

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Global Land Outlook rangelands report

Global Land Outlook rangelands report


In anticipation of the International Year of Rangelands and Pastoralists (IYRP) in 2026, this report serves as a catalyst for global awareness and action. It analyses numerous case studies and good practices from around the world, drawing on the experience and lessons learned, and advocates for a new paradigm to...

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United Nations General Assembly Resolution: Sustainable Mountain Development (2022)

United Nations General Assembly Resolution: Sustainable Mountain Development (2022)


Resolution approved by the United Nations General Assembly on sustainable mountain development at seventy-seventh session. A/RES/77/172

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Quito Declaration Charter for World Mountain People (2003)

Quito Declaration Charter for World Mountain People (2003)


The representatives of Mountain Territories from forty countries met on 20 September 2002 in Quito (Ecuador) taking into account the declarations issued at preparatory meetings of Achocalla (August 2002, Bolivia) and Yuksam (April 2002, India), adopted the main points of the following declaration during the 2nd World Meeting of Mountain...

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Mountain Partnership Governance and Strategy (2018-2021)

Mountain Partnership Governance and Strategy (2018-2021)


This document presents the Mountain Partnership strategy and governance for the period 2018 to 2021.


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