FAO in Mozambique

Millenium Development Goals programme MDG1c prepares output strategies in Mozambique

The event was opened by the minister of agriculture

01 June, Maputo- The Rome-based UN Agencies (RBAs), namely FAO, IFAD and WFP, held the National Steering Committee 2nd Meeting of the Programme " Accelerating progress towards the achievement of the Millennium Development Goals1c in Mozambique (MDG1c), in Maputo, to present the program's progress and prepare the output strategy for 2018.

With the agenda items being the discussion on the sustainability of the Programme interventions and the exit strategy in 2018 (year of programme end), the event brought together several partners from the National Steering Committee (CND), namely the National Directorates of Government implementers of ODM1c.

Attended to the event the Minister of Agriculture and Food Security (MASA), José Pacheco, the European Union Ambassador Sven Kühn von Burgsdorff, the National Authorizing Officer for European Union / Mozambique Cooperation, Tiago Castigo Recibo, representatives of the three agencies The United Nations and various other entities.

The programme is in the final year of implementation, but challenges have been identified to ensure the sustainability of the programme and continuity of actions with the greatest impact on ODM1c households such as electronic vouchers, Newcastle disease vaccination of chickens, implementation the food fortification strategy, and the communication strategy for behaviour change in nutritional education and home gardening.

The programme is scheduled to be completed by mid-2018 and it is expected that the government sectors involved will see efforts to consolidate and expand the programme interventions.