FAO in Mozambique

Sofala communities join in climate change forecast through Farmer Field Schools

A total of 60 FFS participated in the 4 provinces: Gaza, Manica, Sofala and Tete.

26 May, Sofala- A training course was held in Nhamatanda district, Sofala Province, from 22 to 26 May, whose main objective was to provide participants with technical skills and tools for leading participatory rural planning and diagnosis, together with the Farmer Field Schools (FFS), as a central part of the integration of climate change adaptation options, measures and practices in the FFS curriculum.

Through this training, the participants acquired theoretical and practical knowledge, as well as basic tools, in matters of risk analysis; vulnerability analysis; capacity analysis and some guidelines for the preparation of an adaptation plan for Climate Change.

During the training period, fieldwork was conducted in the FFS to improve the technical basis for the surveying of the major threats (Hazards) that FFS face in the districts of the four provinces.

In addition to identify the hazards (threats), participants will also be able to prepare a Climate Change Adaptation Plan according to the problems identified in each FFS.

Following this training, field work is expected to be integrated from District Services for Economic Activities (SDAE), District Governments, Active Members and Influential Communities (MAICs), as well as at the level of FFS members so that they can identify the main hazards that threaten them and their frequency; their historical profile and impact on the lives of individual communities, and also collect the key information to feed the Climate Change Adaptation Curriculum into the FFS trainings.

A total of 60 FFS participated in the 4 provinces: Gaza, Manica, Sofala and Tete.