FAO in Mozambique

More farmers trained in adaptation to climate changes


Between August and September more than 300 farmers were trained as facilitators in the methodology of Farmer Field Schools (FFS), focusing on adaptation to climate changes. Through this action, it is aimed to promote the technologies, experimental approaches and learning tools in the 60 already existing FFS during the 2017/18 agricultural season in both provinces.

The training had as objectives: to validate the learning techniques and tools in a practical way during the facilitators training and to test and adjust the contents of the training.

As part of the strategy, a survey of climate risks and vulnerabilities was carried out in rural communities, as well as a plan to adapt the FFS through the implementation of a participatory process.

The training plans defined actions aimed at increasing resilience and adaptability of both peasants and their production systems to be promoted through EMC training and experimentation activities.

It is expected that in the forthcoming agricultural season starting in October 2017, 60 FFS will adopt adaptation strategies in their learning fields and another 170 FFS will be incorporated in the mid-2018 crop.

This training is held within the project “Strengthening Capacities of Agricultural producers to cope with Climate Change for increased Food Security through the Farmers Field School approach”,  funded by the Global Environment Facility (GEF).