FAO in Mozambique

Victims of the cyclone DINEO receive support from FAO

Woman signing the list to receive seeds

After being severely affected by Cyclone Dineo that devastated homes and crops, more than 14,000 affected families in the province of Inhambane received support from the FAO emergency programme through the distribution of vegetable seeds so that they could improve their food security.

The support was provided to families in the districts of Homoíne, Massinga, Jangamo and Morrumbene, Massinga and Govuro.

During the passage of the cyclone, an estimated 551,000 people were affected, of which 7,651 were considered vulnerable while in the agricultural sector approximately 29 173 Hectars of various crops were lost in the most affected districts.

The emergency programme distributed to the families and small producers affected by Cyclone Dineo vegetable seeds such as beans, tomatoes, onions, okra and cabbage for the next agricultural season.

The FAO emergency programme aims to reduce the food dependency of families affected by climate changes by providing seeds to the most vulnerable groups in situations of climate shocks.