FAO in Mozambique

FAO supporting Migrants at Maratane Refugee Center

Anicete and his wife

Mozambique currently hosts more than 20,000 refugees (9,000 of them in the Maratane Refugee Camp, where UN agencies (PMA, UNHCR, UNHABITAT and FAO) work in partnership with the Government to better accommodate them and strengthen livelihoods through the project "Livelihoods for Durable Solution: Enhancing Self- Reliance in a Protracted Refugee Situation ".

FAO in Maratane is supporting a group of refugees through subsidies so that they can develop their own incomes through agriculture and livestock.

Anicete Nyirynkwaya is a refugee from Congo living in Maratane for over 10 years and one of the beneficiaries of the programme. Anicete says he lost his wife and children during the war and does not think about returning to his homeland.

In the refugee camp where he tries to re-establish his life he joined his new wife also refugee coming from Burundi with which he has 3 children. Through the FAO programme Anicete received 300 chicks to start chicken production.
"I no longer have the strength to work hard. With this support I hope to be able to make a good business, sell and duplicate the production in the coming months to support my family "he said.

Anicete is part of a programme that will cover 1,300 beneficiaries, including refugees and Maratane natives who will be allocated in the areas of agriculture and livestock.

This action fits into this year's theme for World Food Day around the world "Changing the future of migration. Investing in food security and rural development. "

The choice of theme for this year is due to the fact that the world is currently facing the largest movement of refugees and migrants, and climate change is one of the root causes of the large number of people forced to migrate. Between 2008 and 2015, an average of 26.4 million people travelled annually due to weather disasters or extreme weather events.

In 2018, FAO and the International Organization for Migration will chair the Global Group on Migration (GMM), an inter-agency body that promotes dialogue on migration issues at the international level.