FAO in Mozambique

FAO and partners prepare Strategic Agenda 2035 and National Forestry Programme

FAO is supporting the Government to prepare the Agenda 2035 for foresty

On November 9, new strategies for the implementation of Agenda 2035 and the National Forestry Plan were discussed in Maputo.

During the event, topics such as: integrating forests into the country's development plans, policies and strategies, adding value to the timber business, formalizing sustainable coal production, and supporting forest initiatives and local businesses were proposed.

During the event, the National Director of Forests, Xavier Sakambuera, called for the elaboration of a document involving several entities and partners of the Government and stressed the need to build an innovative, optimistic and long-term vision based on the best knowledge and up-to-date information.

The proposed new forestry policy aims to ensure the protection, conservation, restoration of degraded areas, valorisation and sustainable use of the forest heritage, and the promotion of forest plantations in a transparent manner, for the economic, social and environmental benefit of the current and future generations.