FAO in Mozambique

Small farmers trained in market-oriented cassava production

Aiming to improve cassava value chain

1st March, Gaza- Small farmers and extension technicians from Mabalane and Massingir districts attended to a training in cassava production and marketing as part of the FAO-sponsored project to improve the value chain of this crop in Gaza province.

Twenty producers and six extension technicians participated in the training, that during 4 days were able to acquire basic knowledge about market-oriented cassava production.

The participants had the opportunity to visit two agricultural fields of producers involved in the production of cassava cuttings and get some experience about production techniques, pest and diseases management, market access and marketing costs.

"I hope someday Massingir will be able to cope with the country's largest cassava producers, notably Nampula and Inhambane provinces," said Massingir District Administrator, Sérgio Moiane, who also stressed the importance of addressing cassava processing during the training.

The project coordinator, Octavio Muhate, highlighted the great challenges for the district to be a potential producer of cassava, such as: quality, availability, access, seed conservation as these are the guarantors for a sustainable production and market focus.

With this project, FAO, funded by the European Union, aims to contribute to improve cassava production and productivity through actions to develop the cassava value chain and to stimulate micro, small and medium-sized enterprises to contribute to poverty reduction through opportunities for income generation and employment in these districts.