FAO in Mozambique

Promoting a Common Vision for the Sustainable Development of Aquaculture in Inhambane Province, Mozambique


22 May 2018, Maputo - Aiming to support the sustainable development of aquaculture in Mozambique, efforts are being made by the Ministry of Sea, Inland Waters and Fisheries to support aquaculture development including all the small-scale producers in the Province of Inhambane , through a training program and other forms of intervention.


For this purpose, the Inhambane Province hosted from 16 to 17 May this year, a meeting for the strategic review of the Aquaculture Sector in the Province and the creation of an aquaculture platform in Inhambane Province.


The creation of an aquaculture platform aims to promote dialogue and create partnerships for the sustainable development of aquaculture that can enhance compatible aspirations of the different actors involved in aquaculture value-chain on the one hand and, on the other hand, to promote relations between the public and private sectors through open and inclusive discussion, and provision of improved services.


The meeting was attended by technicians from the Central and Provincial Fisheries Sector, producers of inputs, aspiring medium and small-scale aquaculture farmers, including the subsistence and commercial-oriented aquaculture producers. The meeting was facilitated by Provincial Directorate of Sea, Inland Waters and Fisheries of Inhambane with the support of FAO.


The intention of this meeting was to create for all participants, a space and opportunity to contribute with their knowledge and experiences, and also, to recommend the concrete actions for linking of the local actors in the value chain of aquaculture for their benefit.


Fish farming in Mozambique, particularly in Inhambane Province, is constrained by a number of reasons, including weak existing links between the various sector players, from small to medium scale producers, investors, feed and seed producers, traders and buyers. However, there are significant opportunities to enable the development of the aquaculture sector at provincial and national levels. The meeting held defined terms of reference for an innovative aquaculture sector platform tool - to encourage discussion and improve advocacy in the development of aquaculture in the province and country.