FAO in Mozambique

The Government of Mozambique, FAO & partners join forces for climate action

FAOR speaking during the event

15th November 2018, Maputo, Mozambique –The government of Mozambique launched its NDC Partnership Plan today to achieve the climate objectives set in its nationally determined contribution (NDC) as part of the Paris Agreement.

Mozambique has approved a three-year plan (2018 – 2021) to kick-start the implementation of the NDC Roadmap (2020 -2025) as a means to deliver on its commitments under the Paris Agreement by fast-tracking climate action. The government's plan aligns the short- and medium-term needs for climate change adaptation and mitigation at the national level with resources and support provided by eighteen NDC Partnership members through their existing and planned projects.

During the launch, Mr. Olman Serrano, FAO Representative in Mozambique, highlighted that Mozambique is the first country where FAO is providing support through an in-country facilitator who oversees the development and implementation of the NDC Partnership Plan. This support, offered in response to a specific request from the government, will greatly contribute to the achievement of Mozambique's climate commitments.

Mr. Serrano also stated that "this is a clear sign of the recognition by the Development Partners and the government of Mozambique of the importance of the agricultural sectors in the global response to the challenges posed by climate change." He added that FAO looks "forward to working with the Mozambican government, partners and other organizations and stakeholders during the implementation of this Partnership Plan for the benefit of the people of Mozambique."

The Government of Mozambique appointed two government institutions as focal points for the NDC Partnership. The Ministry of Land, Environment and Rural Development (MITADER) will take the lead in close collaboration with the Ministry of Economy and Finance, and will involve other national Ministries, institutions and development partners.

The Vice-Minister from MITADER, Celmira da Silva, expressed that the "Government appreciates the interest shown by about eighteen partners and members of the NDC Partnership to support the needs presented. We hope that in the detail of the actions contained in the Partnership Plan more partners and members of the Partnership and other co-operation partners can also indicate areas in which they can provide their support" she said.

The Vice-Minister also explained that "these instruments create the conditions for Mozambique to fully implement its Nationally Determined Contribution, while responding to national priorities for resilient, sustained and low-emission development; and the international commitments under the Paris Agreement and Sustainable Development Agenda".

Mozambique was one of the first countries in Africa to join the NDC Partnership and formalized its request for technical assistance in August 2018. The Global Director of the NDC Partnership Support Unit, Pablo Vieira, highlighted that "Mozambique is a model country in terms of the swiftness and ownership evidenced by government and partners coming together to achieve a common national goal."

"It is our hope that these Plans will advance in a fast and coordinated manner and boost implementation efforts of Mozambique's climate change ambition, tackling the impacts of climate change, and delivering on the country's commitments to advance the Paris Agreement and the 2030 Sustainable Development Agenda," he concluded.

About the NDC Partnership:
The NDC Partnership is a global coalition of countries and institutions committed to transformational climate action, co-chaired by the Federal Republic of Germany and the Kingdom of Morocco.

The NDC Partnership is supporting more than 30 developing countries to enhance and implement their NDCs through technical assistance; capacity building; knowledge sharing and access to finance. Members give specific support to one another to strengthen policy frameworks; mainstream climate actions into national, sectoral and sub-national plans; develop budgeting and investment plans; share knowledge and resources and build more robust monitoring and reporting systems in line with country-driven requests.

FAO is involved in the NDC Partnership Plan development in over 20 countries, e.g. through the participation in workshops and bilateral meetings during NDC Partnership missions. In a number of countries, FAO engages in a more active way and/or contributed detailed inputs to countries' support request letters and to the development of their NDC Partnership Plans.