FAO in Mozambique

On World Food Day, FAO calls for private sector involvement in combating malnutrition

FAO Programme Officer on Gender and Nutrition, Felicidade Panguene intervention, during the WFD

Maputo, 18 October 2019 - FAO Representative in Mozambique, Hernani Coelho da Silva, argues for greater involvement of the private sector in diversifying food production to combat malnutrition in the country. "We need a robust private sector that can positively influence the food industry by adopting its products to nutritional recommendations," said Hernani da Silva, speaking at the World Food Day celebrations in Maputo.

For Hernani da Silva, adopting measures to produce foods with higher nutritional value would be a strategy to combat high levels of malnutrition in the country. "There are solutions to reduce hunger and malnutrition, but it requires active participation without exception ", adds the representative of Fao in Mozambique.

Hernani da Silva also pointed out that in this fight, incentives and knowledge will be needed, goals that will only be achieved through the adoption of food policies, regulations and standards in the country, as well as the definition of a strategy that takes considers natural disasters.

"Multiple and consecutive shocks such as drought and plagues that have affected much of the southern part of the country, or cyclones - such as Dineo, Idai and Kenneth, which have severely affected the country - have further increased the challenges we face as regards the national indices of malnutrition and food insecurity, "he said.

In his turn, the Minister of Agriculture and Food Security, Higino de Marrule, highlighted the significant steps that the Mozambican Government has been taking in the fight against food insecurity, but admits that there is still a long way to go.

"Our country has made significant strides in reducing the prevalence of food insecure population from 50% to 24% in the last ten years. But despite this effort, challenges remain regarding access to nutritious food and climate shocks, "said the minister. The Governor also added that the priority of the Government's plans has been the rural areas, whose levels of food insecurity are of concern. "We would like to continue to count on the support of our development partners in the implementation of the programmes. We want to take the opportunity to thank our partners, FAO in particular, which has contributed directly and indirectly to ensuring food security in Mozambique, "concluded the minister.

On the topic of healthy diets, World Food Day in Maputo was attended by the United Nations Resident Coordinator in Mozambique, Myrta Kaulard, representatives of diplomatic missions, Mozambican government officials and civil society to discuss the situation of healthy diets in the country.

According to official data, chronic food insecurity levels are at 24% and chronic malnutrition is at 43% in Mozambique, mainly affecting the north of the country.