FAO in Mozambique

Partnership between Ministries to demonstrate joined up fisheries management and environmental protection in the Limpopo River Mouth and Maputo Bay

Permanent Secretary for MIMAIP, Xavier Munjovo, chairing the meeting

May 18, 2021, Macaneta-Maputo - Members of the National Steering Committee of the Partnership Project between the Southwest Indian Ocean Fisheries Commission and the Nairobi Convention (SWIOFC-NC PP), "A partnership for marine and coastal governance and fisheries management for sustainable blue growth", met at their first meeting of the National Project Steering Committee (NSC), on May 18, 2021, in Marracuene, Macaneta area, Maputo province.

The project, which is funded by the Swedish International Development Cooperation Agency and implemented through a partnership between the SWIOFC and Nairobi Convention frameworks, FAO and UNEP, aims to show how a joined up approach in fisheries and environment management can improve sustainable livelihoods for communities that depend on fisheries and other coastal resources. Mozambique has been selected as one of three project pilot countries to undertake and capture lessons learned from national demonstration activities for the benefit of wider Western Indian Ocean region.

The one-day meeting brought together national directors and deputies from the Ministries of Sea, Inland Waters and Fisheries (MIMAIP) and Land and Environment (MTA), the national focal point for the Nairobi Convention and senior technicians from the SWIOFC secretariat and the FAO representation in Mozambique, to review progress so far and provide strategic orientation of the project activities.

The meeting reviewed key documents for the implementation of national demonstration activities, including selection of pilot sites, a proposal for work plan and budget for national project activities and Terms of Reference for the inter-ministerial NSC. This was the first meeting of the NSC, marking the end of the planning phase of the project. Implementation of project activities is expected to start during the later part of in 2021 and continue to 2023.

Introductory notes regarding the meeting were made by the Deputy National Director of the National Fisheries Administration (ADNAP), Mr. Cassamo Hassane Júnior and intervention by Mrs. Cláudia Oliveira Andrade Pereira, FAO Rep. Assistant for programs in Mozambique, on behalf of Mr. Hernani Coelho da Silva, FAO Representative in Mozambique. The official opening of the NSC meeting was made by the Permanent Secretary of the Ministry of the Sea, Inland Waters and Fisheries (MIMAIP), Mr. Xavier Munjovo.

In her speech, Cláudia Oliveira Andrade Pereira, stated that the partnership between FAO and the Government of Mozambique started after the national independence of Mozambique, when the country joined the United Nations (UN). Since then, a series of programs and projects have been developed by FAO, both in the Fisheries sector, as well as in the Land and Environment sector. She also said that, in the case of the fisheries sector, two emergency projects for the fishing communities affected by the Idai and Kenneth cyclones, are in their final phase of implementation. "The lessons learned from this Partnership Project between the fisheries and environment sectors will be shared with the region, which encourages us all to make this an example of successful collaboration between the two sectors involved," said Cláudia Pereira.

Xavier Munjovo, Permanent Secretary of the Ministry of the Sea, Inland Waters and Fisheries (MIMAIP), in his speech, recognized that the partnership project between SWIOFC / FAO and the UNEP/Nairobi Convention constitutes an opportunity for institutional strengthening and articulation between two Ministries, Sea, Inland Waters and Fisheries and Land and Environment: "We must use this opportunity and available resources to establish a more solid and long-term communication and articulation platform between the two sectors. The implementation of this project will require us to have a greater articulation between the institutions of the two sectors at the central and local levels (provinces and districts), in order to respond to the concerns of the communities with regard to improving the management of marine and coastal ecosystems, including fisheries resources", said Munjovo.

The first meeting of the NSC, was preceded by another preparatory workshop, involving technicians and specialists from the institutions and partners involved in the project, to prepare the documents to be adopted by the NSC. One of the main recommendations from the workshop was the need to include in the NSC other relevant institutions that intervene in coastal and environmental management, such as the Maputo Environmental Protection Area (APA-Maputo), Maputo Special Reserve (REM), Provincial Delegation of the National Fisheries Administration in Gaza and the Environmental Quality Control Agency (Provincial Delegation of Gaza).

At the NSC meeting, the proposed workplan and budget for the two selected pilot sites – Limpopo River Mouth and Maputo Bay, were considered and unanimously adopted. However, the members of the NSC present, agreed to defer the final decision of a detailed budget to the Lead National Agencies (MIMAIP and MTA) in dialogue with the regional executing agencies.

The work plans focus on engaging the pilot communities, especially women, youth and those dependent on fisheries, in the sustainable use and management of coastal natural resources. Key activities will include supporting marine spatial planning, protecting and restoring important fish habitats such as mangroves and seagrass beds, developing fisheries management plans and developing sustainable livelihood options.

As part of the work plan the NSC will also contribute to developing collaboration and dialogue between fisheries and environment authorities and stakeholders in Mozambique to address issues of joint concern identified nationally and through the SWIOFC and Nairobi Convention frameworks. The NSC will continue to meet twice a year to review progress and guide the implementation of project activities in Mozambique.