FAO in Mozambique

FAO calls for Urgent efforts to face Mozambique's Drought Crisis affecting 1.8 million people


27 August 2024- Mozambique is facing a severe drought crisis, exacerbated by the recent El Niño phenomenon. The drought, which has severely impacted the agricultural sector, is affecting 1.8 million people across the country, particularly in the southern and central regions. Crops have failed, water sources are drying up, and families, particularly women, are forced to leave their homes in search of water. The situation is dire, but there is still a window of opportunity to prevent further suffering.

The 2023–2024 El Niño event, one of the strongest on record, has disrupted rainfall patterns, leading to below-average rainfall and above-normal temperatures in many parts of Mozambique. This has resulted in failed harvests and heightened food insecurity, with 1.8 million people currently in high levels of acute food insecurity (IPC Phase 3 and above) in areas of severe drought. In some areas, one in every three people is vulnerable, with many smallholder farmers struggling to produce enough food for their families.

In response to this crisis, FAO has been providing urgent support to the most vulnerable communities in the drought-affected areas. Our immediate focus is on supplying seeds for the incoming main agricultural season, ensuring that farmers can plant their crops on time and avoid further food shortages. This effort is crucial to protect vulnerable households from the worst effects of the drought and to safeguard their livelihoods as we head into the critical growing season.

Key interventions include:

Distribution of Drought-Tolerant Seeds: We are providing farmers with seeds that can withstand dry conditions, helping to ensure that they can still produce food despite the challenging environment.

Water Harvesting and Conservation: FAO is promoting techniques such as water harvesting and conservation to help communities make the most of the limited water resources available.

Livestock Support: We are also implementing livestock restocking programs, supplementary feeding, and veterinary care to sustain and improve livestock health and productivity.

Conservation/Climate Smart Agriculture: By intensifying and scaling up conservation agriculture practices, FAO is helping farmers maintain soil health and increase resilience to future climate shocks, as well as in training farmers to use the climate smart agriculture practices

Time is of the essence. The next few months will be critical in determining whether Mozambique can avoid the worst outcomes of the drought, and if the next harvest will provide sufficient food to the thousands of rural families that have been hit by the drought. By acting now, we can help protect lives, restore livelihoods, and build the resilience of communities against future shocks.

FAO is committed to working alongside the Government of Mozambique, humanitarian partners, and the international community to provide the necessary support. Our coordinated efforts are essential to mitigate the impact of the drought and ensure that vulnerable populations receive the assistance they need.

For more information about Mozambique's response and how you can support our efforts, please visit the full appeal: Mozambique: Drought Appeal, August 2024 - July 2025.

More information about: FAO Component Appeal