FAO in Mozambique

Identifying livelihoods for fishing communities in Vilankulo


The FAO Smart Fisheries Co-Management project (SFC) is working to enhance fisheries co-management systems and diversify livelihoods to contribute to achieving economic, environmental, and social sustainability of fishing communities in selected countries, including Mozambique, where the project is focusing on Vilankulo District and Inhambane Province more widely, two major fishing areas.

In Vilankulo, the project was introduced to the District Government authorities and fishing communities in November 2022 through an Inception Workshop, followed by three training workshops on Fisheries Co-management at national and site levels.

The project is now conducting a questionnaire in the field to hear the voices of the local communities, following recommendations to put more emphasis on developing capacity and implementing diverse livelihoods in the fishing communities that benefit from FAO activities.

The questionnaire will gather information about fisheries within the three selected fishing communities of Vilankulo District as part of the SFC project’s efforts to explore sustainable livelihoods.

Through voluntary participation, fishing communities in Mabandene, Macunhe, and Guitine will provide information on their fishing practices and methods, as well as insights on fishing trends and suggestions on best ways to improve fishing in the communities.

The questionnaire is intended to help generate information to evaluate the overall fish value chain, from creation of nets to fish markets, and the overall knowledge on current management and governance practices in the three fishing communities.