FAO in Mozambique
28 August 2024, Gaza Province- "The drought hit us hard, but we don't back down"...
27 August 2024- Mozambique is facing a severe drought crisis, exacerbated by the recent El...
23 August 2024, Seychelles – The experts from 11 countries of the Southwest Indian Ocean...
Maputo, Mozambique, 30/07/2024 – The Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations (FAO), in...
The number of hungry people in the world has dropped to 795 million – 216 million fewer than in 1990-92 – or around one person out of every nine, according to the latest edition of the annual UN hunger report "The State of Food Insecurity in the World 2015" (SOFI). In...
On 21 May, the three Rome-based Agencies (RBAs) – the Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations (FAO), the International Fund for Agricultural Development (IFAD) and the World Food Programme (WFP) – welcomed four Heads of Mission from the European Union in Mozambique to projects of the agencies in...
With stronger capacity to design and implement trade policies and strategies, Southern African countries can better leverage trade as a means to reducing poverty and improving food security. Additionally, countries on the continent may be better equipped to negotiate trade agreements to support agricultural and food security strategies as well...
With the help of a new training guide developed by FAO and the International Labour Organization (ILO), extension workers in Africa and elsewhere are engaging with rural communities to reduce children's exposure to toxic pesticides used in farming. Nearly 100 million boys and girls between 5 and 17 years old are...
International prices for agricultural commodities continued to decline in April and abundant inventories are poised to offset any pressure from the slight reduction in global harvests expected this year. Worldwide cereal production will likely decline by 1.5 percent from last year's record-breaking output, mainly due to reduced acreage planted with maize,...