FAO in Myanmar

Supporting Myanmar’s National Agricultural Extension Modernization


Agriculture has increasingly become knowledge intensive. Access to the right information at the right time through the right means makes a huge difference in the livelihood of farmers.  In Myanmar, the merger of the 2 ministries has given an excellent opportunities to look at emerging information and communication technologies (ICTs) to address some of these challenges faced in agriculture extension and to effectively reach to agriculture-dependent communities.  

The use of ICTs for agriculture is called as e-agriculture and is a multi-stakeholder approach to identifying, developing and mainstream sustainable ICT for agriculture services.

On the request from the government, FAO is providing technical assistance in the development of an agriculture extension modernization strategy to strengthen agricultural extension in the country.

Dr. Tin Htut, the Permanent Secretary of MoALI, emphasized the need for a pilot project to highlight the benefits of e-agriculture in a meeting conducted to address the extension challenges of the country. This meeting was conducted under the FAO project titled “Agricultural Extension Modernization in Myanmar”. The project aims at the development of a comprehensive strategy on the use of information and communication technology (ICTs) to strengthen agricultural extension systems in Myanmar. The meeting was attended by more than 75 participants from 3 departments of MoALI, provincial extension officers, Department of Agriculture, Department of Fisheries, Livestock Breeding and Veterinary Department and Posts and Telecommunications Department under the Ministry of Transport and Communications. The participants worked in developing a draft vision, mission and goal statements for the agricultural extension and identified strategic options to modernize agricultural extension in Myanmar.

The agricultural extension modernization strategy once finalized and approved by the Ministry of Agriculture, Livestock and Irrigation (MoALI) would provide a roadmap and strategic framework for sustainable e-agriculture services and solutions for Myanmar. Similar approach has been done by FAO in other countries such as Sri Lanka, Bhutan, Fiji, Papua New Guinea, and the Philippines. This e-agriculture strategy is a key strategic document for the government to partner with donor agencies, international development agencies and the private sector for development of e-agriculture services in the country.