FAO in Myanmar

Building the Capacities to Conserve the Forests in Myanmar


Increasing and improving provision of goods and services from agriculture, forestry and fisheries in a sustainable manner is one of the five Strategic Objectives of the FAO. As an effort of implementing this Objective, FAO launched a project in support of the “Capacity Building Training Program – Strengthening Capacity of Forest Research Institute, Myanmar” under the FAO Technical Cooperation Programme (TCP/MYA/3607). The project is being implemented by FAO in cooperation with the Forest Research Institute (FRI), Forest Department of the Ministry of Natural Resources and Environmental Conservation (MoNREC).

The project is aiming to capacitate FRI to carry out high-quality research in forestry to contribute to the welfare of forests in Myanmar. Specifically its contributions will focus on achieving improved research capacity and knowledge for sustainable management of natural forests, enhanced productivity of forest plantations and restoration of degraded forests and landscapes. It is expected the project will impart capacity and knowledge to the next generation of researchers who will guide the research programs of FRI in the future. The improved visibility of FRI through enhanced research outputs will help attract additional grants from the national government and external donors to sustain and further improve research activities.

Under this project, 15 capacity building trainings will be provided to the research officers of Forest Research Institute (FRI) of Myanmar in an array of research fields by the experts from India, Kerala Forest Research Institute (KFRI), Institute of Wood Science and Technology, and Wildlife Institute of India, through provision of some basic equipment for the capacity building training programs. In addition to the trainings at the FRI, some of the scientists of FRI, Yezin will visit Kerla Forest Research Institute and Institute of Wood Science and Technology in India to gain exposure with the modern techniques in the field of forest research.

To kick off the training programme, the opening of the capacity building trainings was held at the Auditorium Hall of FRI, Yezin in Nay Pyi Taw on 16th July 2018 and it was given remarks by Mr Franz Eugen Arnold, Chief Technical Advisor of FAO Myanmar and U Zaw Min, Deputy Director General of the Forest Department. Officials from the Forest Department, Forest Research Institute, Dry Zone Greening Department, Myanmar Timber Enterprise, Private Forest Plantation Companies and researchers together with the representatives from other partners working in Myanmar participated at the event.