FAO in Myanmar

Bridging humanitarian and development assistances for rural communities in northern Rakhine


Rakhine State is rich in natural resources, it has fertile soil as well as the favourable agro-ecological conditions. The primary source of livelihoods for the population of Rakhine State is crop production followed by livestock raising, casual labour and aquaculture.

The new FAO Country Programme Framework for Myanmar (2017-2022) sets as one of its priorities to enhance resilience of rural communities to natural and human disasters. In line with this priority, the European Commission (EC) funded project “Improvement of food and nutrition security of vulnerable population in Rakhine State” that will operate in northern and central areas of Rakhine State to restore and protect agriculture livelihoods of rural communities.

By supporting crop, livestock and aquaculture productions through the delivery of quality inputs and technical assistance, the project will also contribute to achieve the second pillar of Myanmar Agriculture Development Strategy (ADS) related to “productivity”.

Acting as a bridge between humanitarian and development assistances (humanitarian-development-peace nexus), the project aims at protecting and restoring agriculture livelihoods of vulnerable communities from recurrent natural disasters and protracted conflict. It will introduce climate and disaster resilient agriculture techniques and small-scale multi-purpose infrastructure following Disaster Risk Reduction (DDR) standards. It also aims to increase the availability and access of food as well as nutrition security of women and children, particularly pregnant and lactating women with children under two years of age.

In this context and to support the deployment of the project, the EC Delegation in Myanmar (DEVCO and ECHO staff) joined FAO in a field mission to three villages in Buthidaung and Maungdaw Townships early December. The field mission was also the opportunity for FAO to share its understanding on the conditions and needs of the farming communities in Northern Rakhine.