FAO in Myanmar

Pursuing economic, social and environmental development synergies in Myanmar

Gender, Food and Water Synergies Workshop in Yangon

Water is the lifeblood of ecosystems on which the food security and nutrition of present and future generations depend. Appropriate water quality and quantity is essential for food production (fisheries, crops and livestock), processing, transformation and preparation. FAO recognizes that it is crucial to call for urgent action in managing food and water resources, ensuring that women are empowered along the water and food supply chain, that their food production and water management roles are supported and their potentials are unleashed. In this regard, gender equality can make a substantial contribution to a country’s economic growth, and is the single most important determinant of food security.

In addition, in order for gender equality strategies and food security strategies to complement each other and for their synergies to maximize, a balance should be found between the rights to adequate food in the context of national food security, women’s empowerment in water resource management and mainstreaming gender equality.

With the aim to develop knowledge, capacity building and guidance on ways in which water management can be gender transformative and positively influence on food and water security in Myanmar, FAO initiated a project entitled “Gender, Water, and Food Synergies in Support of the Sustainable Development Goals” which is funded by the Australian Water Partnership and in collaboration with the Institute for Sustainable Futures (ISF).

Barriers, opportunities and strategies for embedding gender equality approaches into water and food security activities will be identified through this project, and a series of technical outputs, knowledge sharing processes, and capacity building activities will be delivered. This will advance knowledge on how water, food and gender equality can interlink together holistically in support for the Sustainable Development Goals.

To explore how this combination can be achieved and to find the best practices that have emerged in Myanmar, FAO organized a consultation workshop on 21st November 2019 in Yangon to identify key issues and existing and future priorities in the gender/water/food nexus space, and the next steps going forward together with the partners.

By acknowledging and acting on the critical, mutually reinforcing linkages between gender equality and sustainable development, FAO will support through this project to create a society that maintains and regenerates the environment, respects human rights and provides women and men, girls and boys with the lives and future they deserve.