FAO in Myanmar
Innovation is unlocking the forests’ long-kept secrets and allowing us to use trees in ways...
By Jong-Jin Kim, Assistant Director-General and Regional Representative, Food and Agriculture Organization of the United...
By Jong-Jin Kim, Assistant Director-General and Regional Representative, Food and Agriculture Organization of the United...
In a world where knowledge is a catalyst for change, the story of Daw Aye...
Myanmar has a long history of good forest management and for centuries its timber products, especially natural teak, have been highly valued the world over. In recent decades, however, increased demand for timber, combined with reduced enforcement capacity and conflict in border areas, have seen an upsurge in illegal logging,...
FAO played an important role in the process leading to the adoption of the 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development. The latter comprises 17 goals, 169 targets and 230 indicators. One of its main objectives is to guide the actions of governments, international agencies, civil society and other institutions till 2030. In...
Climate change is a global challenge and its impacts are reducing the capacity of natural resources. Myanmar is highly vulnerable to climate change and extreme weather conditions ranking among the top three countries most affected by weather related events. This has significant negative impact on agricultural production which potentially leads...
Institutional and legal framework of governing natural resources in Myanmar is complex and challenging at various governance levels. There is an overlapping of roles and responsibilities among different government departments and administration bodies. Moreover, there is significant needs to consider public issues (such as the benefits and impacts of the...
“The State of Food Security and Nutrition in the World” report of FAO mentioned that more than 820 million people are going hungry. But food security in our times isn’t only a matter of quantity, it’s also a question of quality. Unhealthy diets have now become a leading risk factor...