FAO in Namibia

FAO to improve governance and support services of NNFU and its affiliate unions

Officials from FAO and NNFU pictured during the press briefing to announce the commencement of the project to support NNFU and its affiliate farmers unions. ©NNFU/Landuleni Uugulu

Windhoek, Namibia - The Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations (FAO) and the Namibia National Farmers Union (NNFU) hosted a joint press conference to announce the commencement of the project called “Capacity building support to Namibia National Farmers Union (NNFU) to improve its governance and support services to its members, government and other stakeholders”.

The project, which stems from a request for support by NNFU, will see FAO availing both technical and financial support towards the Union’s constitution review process, including the revision of its Standard Operating Procedures (SOPs).

Additionally, the project’s deliverables will also include the formulation of various constitutions for NNFU’s affiliates that consist of 14 regional farmers unions and over 130 farmers associations.

Speaking during the media briefing, Assistant FAO Representative (Programme), Ferdinard Mwapopi, noted the important partnership between FAO and NNFU in improving the livelihoods of farmers, especially those in rural settings.

“This partnership is motivated by the meaningful impact that organizations such as FAO and NNFU are making in the lives of Namibians, most especially rural farming communities,” he said.

Mwapopi highlighted that FAO’s work in rural transformation aims to unlock the development potential of rural institutions, reduce inequalities, promote inclusivity, and contribute to the socio-economic empowerment of rural women and youth.

“This strong background positions FAO as a competent and relevant stakeholder in the design of policies and inclusive governance systems capable of improving food security and nutrition levels and providing sustainable solutions to communities.”

Meanwhile NNFU’s Acting President, Amon Kapi, noted the numerous challenges NNFU and its affiliates have faced in the past, which he attributed mainly to the existing ineffective policies and guidelines that do not adequately address governance and structural issues within the Union.

“This project will provide the much-needed development and review of NNFU policies and guidelines including training and support to regional farmers unions, farmers associations, and the NNFU leaders,” Kapi stressed.

Kapi welcomed the project’s intention to support the governance structure of NNFU through what he describes as a ‘bottom-up approach’.

“This is necessary not only to strengthen governance within the Union but also to capacitate local farmers at the grassroots level and to keep up with the changing environment,” he said.


NNFU is a Namibia national Federation of farmers unions created in 1992 to serve as a mouthpiece of Namibian small-scale communal and emerging farmers. The Union is a key stakeholder in Namibia’s agriculture sector, its primary objective is to organize and unite rural farmers in the best interests of the agriculture industry.

The Union works closely with FAO in the implementation of various projects tailored towards advancing rural farmers interests and achieving sustainable rural transformation.

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