FAO in Namibia

Information session on Fruit Fly Project


The Ministry of Agriculture, Water & Forestry in collaboration with the Food and Agriculture Organization held a stakeholder information session workshop for the Management of the Asian Fruit Fly on 21st May 2014.  The purpose of the workshop intended to introduce the project to all key stakeholders, including Government, NGOs and the private sector, to ensure ownership, commitment and collaboration in the implementation of the project.

Ms S. Kasheeta, Director of Extension and Engineering Services from Ministry of Agriculture Water & Forestry opened the Workshop with a speech that welcomes all participants.  During the Workshop she made a remarkable statement.  She pointed out that, Namibia has a growing and thriving  table grape industry along the Northern banks of the Orange River.  Other fruits and vegetables are grown in the Northern and Central areas of the country.  However, with the aforementioned increase in export, the growth of the horticulture industry is greatly threatened by Bactrocera invadens infestation.  The fruit fly was first identified in Kenya during 2003.  It was later reported in Angola, Botswana, Mozambique, Zambia and Zimbabwe.  In Namibia the presence of the fly was confirmed in 2010.  The Workshop was concluded successfully