FAO in Namibia

Courtesy visit by members of the Kaoko-Epupa Development Foundation (KEDF)


A 3–member delegation from the Kaoko–Epupa Development Foundation (KEDF) based in Opuwo visited the FAO Representative on April 19th 2016, at the UN House in Windhoek. The group was headed by Mr. Karipetua Uarije who was accompanied by Mr. Mutjindisa Mutambo Kapika and Mr. Vemupyana Kapika.

Purpose of the visit

Following welcoming remarks by the FAOR, the group shed light on the purpose of the visit which, in a nutshell, was three–fold:

  1. To get acquaintance with the FAO and create a platform for direct communication with the representation;
  2. To applause the FAO for its ongoing support in building resilience and improve the food security situation in areas severely affected by recurrent droughts especially in Kunene;
  3. Present a request letter for funding an integrated community project comprising of, among others; a community garden, poultry farming enterprise, as well as support to water supply infrastructure for the community project.

By way of a translated discussion, through the leader of the group, members of the delegation elaborated on the above points, and underscored the drought–induced food insecurity situation in Omuhonga in the Epupa constituency of Kunene region, and expressed their desire to build resilience at the local level through establishing a self-sustaining and integrated project.


Acceptance of the Request Letter and FAO response

Having followed the deliberations attentively, the FAOR thanked the group for its proactive approach and determination to tackle poverty, food insecurity and climate-related challenges head on! However, the FAOR indicated that the FAO received and is working on a similar request letter from the Kunene Regional Governor’s Office, requesting funding assistance along the same lines. Even then, the FAOR assured the group that he shall look into the request letter and revert to the group in due course. In his concluding remarks, the FAOR urged the group to continue being exemplary to others with respect to devising ways of fighting hunger and poverty!