National Forest Monitoring


This case study from Chile applies state-of-the-art monitoring approaches to forest conservation, restoration and managment. It offers a glimpse into Chile's efforts to reduce emissions from deforestation and forest degradation and enhancement on forest carbon stocks (REDD+).
L as formas en que los bosques contribuyen al bienestar humano son variadas y de amplio alcance. Estos ecosistemas desempeñan una función fundamental en la lucha contra la pobreza rural, en el logro de la seguridad alimentaria y en el aseguramiento de medios de subsistencia decentes. Los bosques ofrecen además,...
Under the project “Support for the design of the MRV System in the framework of REDD+ Readiness in the Sudan,” FAO has been supporting the Sudan’s Government in the development of a robust National Forest Monitoring System (NFMS) to obtain up-to-date, reliable, transparent and accessible information about the state of the country’s...
In order to support developing countries in moving towards a more solid institutional setting, the FAO has adopted a stepwise approach to guide the development and adoption of a legal instrument aimed at institutionalizing an NFMS. In addition, an NFMS legal assessment matrix to assist countries in assessing and identifying relevant...
For countries eager to develop a robust and sustainable National Forest Monitoring System (NFMS), clear legal frameworks and instruments related to the collection and management of forest data are key. A recently launched UN-REDD publication, “Institutionalisation of forest data: Establishing legal frameworks for sustainable forest monitoring in REDD+ countries,” provides...
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