National Forest Monitoring

On the first milestone year of the Bonn Challenge, global organizations are working to overcome challenges to restoration monitoring, and to align their varied efforts. This conversation takes place as part of the #RestoreOurFuture digital event happening around the globe on Sept. 2, 2020


Forests are an important component in the fight against climate change, as they provide nature-based solutions to emissions reductions. 


The New Guinea island only covers 1% of the planet’s land area, but it harbors 5% of its animal and plant species - including the world’s largest butterfly. Yet despite being a biodiversity hotspot, its forests are poorly documented. As a solution, the UN-REDD Programme is helping PNG to conduct its first Multi-Purpose National Forestry Inventory (NFI).


Dr Foli explains the importance of the REDD+ and of satellite remote sensing to monitor changes in forest cover and combat deforestation and land degradation in Ghana, where millions of people rely on healthy forests for food and water.


Remote sensing: cost-effective and innovative solutions for peatland monitoring in Indonesia Budi Wardhana, Deputy Head of Indonesia’s Peatland Restoration Agency (BRG) explains the importance and advantages of using remote-sensing tools and technologies for monitoring Indonesia’s more than 22 million hectares of peatlands, including six million hectares that need restoration.


Pedro Raúl Tinoco Rodríguez, Experto en monitoreo de degradación del Ministerio de Medio Ambiente de Perú, habla sobre las necesidades del país con respecto al monitoreo de turberas hacia la conservación y el manejo sustentable de estos ecosistemas. El video se produjo en ocasión del taller de expertos en monitoreo de turberas que tuvo lugar en la sede de la FAO en Roma del 22 al 23 de mayo de...


Fighting deforestation by mapping Ugana's forests. 


En Argentina, el Ministerio de Ambiente y Desarrollo Sustentable de la nación implementa el programa nacional ONU-REDD, que facilita la asistencia técnica y financiera para que el país pueda preparar y desarrollar el plan de acción nacional de bosques y cambio climático 


In 2015, Indonesia experienced its worst environmental disaster. Forest and peat fires burned 2.6 million hectares of land. The damage was huge: $16 billion in economic losses with half a million people suffering from respiratory illnesses. Following the 2015 disaster, the Government of Indonesia officially recognized the importance of peatlands. It established the Peatlands Restoration Agency (BRG) and pledged to restore 2 million hectares of peatlands by 2020. In 2016,...


Con 59,9 millones de hectáreas de bosque natural más del 60% de su territorio colombia es el tercer país de suramérica con mayor areá en bosques.

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