National Forest Monitoring

As a country with more than 70% of its territory covered in forests, Bhutan is eager to protect its heritage from deforestation. Under FAO REDD+ support, Mr Arun Rai and Dr Jigme from the Ministry of Agriculture & Forests of Bhutan visited FAO Headquarters to work on the country’s Forest Reference (Emission) Level or FR(E)L, a benchmark for assessing Bhutan’s performance in implementing REDD+ activities.


The preparation of a national greenhouse gas inventory is an essential element in moving towards a greener economy, while reducing greenhouse gas emissions and climate change. In Bangladesh, the compilation of a national a greenhouse gas inventory for the agriculture, forestry and other land use sector is made difficult by a lack of reliable data, limited documentation and a limited number of national greenhouse gas inventory experts. Since 2012, with...


James Kpadehyea, National Forest Inventory Coordinator from the Forestry Development Authority of Liberia and Anne Branthomme, FAO’s Regional Advisor for Africa on REDD+ share their insights into Liberia’s progress on REDD+ and the relevance of the NFI, as well as stressing the importance of capacity development for REDD+ countries.


REDD+ provides an opportunity to promote sustainable management in Mongolia’s forests, covering more than 12million ha, and holding the potential to contribute to both mitigation and adaptation. As a country with vast boreal forest, Mongolia is the first country with a temperate climate to prepare its benchmark for emission reductions which will be used for assessing performance in implementing REDD+ activities. Leading up to the country’s plan to submit its...


The Democratic Republic of the Congo (DRC) is progressing with the development of its Forest Reference Emission Level (FREL) which is a benchmark for assessing performance in implementing REDD+ activities. Getting closer to the country’s presentation at COP23 and the submission of the FREL to UNFCCC, a workshop was hosted by FAO Headquarters (18-22 September). It was an opportunity for the country to present its draft and receive technical feedback...


This video provides information on how remote sensing tools can help in reducing emissions from forest deforestation and degradation (REDD+) and how UN agencies are supporting countries to get ready for REDD+. Within the UN-REDD Programme FAO along with UNEP and UNDP supports countries to develop tools for remote sensing, satellite data processing for monitoring REDD+ activities and for the measurement of forest activity data to support the design and...


The United Nations Food and Agriculture Organization (FAO) has officially launched new software that is expected to help significantly in the fight against climate change. Tropical deforestation and forest degradation are among the largest sources of carbon dioxide emissions caused by humans globally and thus major contributors to climate change, which is why reducing these emissions has become a key goal of the international community. The software will enable countries...


Almost half of Panama is covered by rich forests. By sustainably managing these forests the opportunities for reducing emissions from deforestation and forest degradation (REDD+) are huge. This video, commissioned by FAO as part of the UN-REDD Programme, explores how different actors -- including indigenous groups and environmental authorities -- are actively engaged in unearthing these vital resources.


The Ministries of Agriculture and Environment of Peru, with technical support from FAO and financial support from the Government of Finland, launched the "National Forest Inventory and Sustainable Forest Management in a Changing Climate" programme. The National Forest Inventory (NFI) component of the programme collects and analyses up-to-date information on Peru's forest resources to support policy formulation and decision making. This video illustrates how the NFI is being implemented by...


A vibrant forestry industry can mean a brighter future for nations that pursue modern, sustainable forestry management practices: more and better jobs; lower environmental impact; a carbon neutral industry; and a renewable, sustainable approach to economic development. Viet Nam is receiving help to achieve these very goals from Finland's government and the United Nations Food and Agriculture Organization. In March 2011, these partners launched Vietnam's National Forest Assessment program, or...

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