Suivi national des forêts


Efforts on Reducing Emissions from Deforestation and Forest Degradation (REDD+) have created opportunities for forest monitoring capacity development and have also aimed to inform forest management and policy-making. This paper explores how forest monitoring can inform problem-solving, especially in public policy.
This publication provides an overview of "Building global capacity to increase transparency in the forest sector (CBIT-Forest),” a two-year project of the Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations (FAO) financed by the Capacity Building Initiative for Transparency (CBIT) trust fund of the Global Environment Facility (GEF).
Perú es uno de los países del mundo con mayor extensión estimada de turberas. La turbera es un tipo de humedal que acumula turba de manera natural en su estado húmedo. Son los ecosistemas terrestres que almacenan más carbono por unidad de área en el mundo.
Mapping peatlands is the basis for successful monitoring systems. This report presents the peatland mapping methodologies commonly used – based on ground and remotely sensed input data. It also offers an overview of advantages and limitations of different monitoring approaches as a practical guide to facilitate decision-making and cater for country-specific...
Le Bangladesh est très vulnérable aux impacts du changement climatique. Pour appuyer et améliorer la prise de décisions relative à l’atténuation et l’adaptation au changement climatique, l’accès à des données et informations solides est essentiel. Le rôle du secteur forestier et la disponibilité de données sur les forêts exhaustives appuient...
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