Suivi national des forêts


Cette étude de cas du Chili applique des approches de suivi de pointe pour la conservation, la restauration et la gestion des forêts. Elle offre un aperçu des efforts consentis par le Chili pour réduire les émissions dues à la déforestation et à la dégradation des forêts et pour améliorer...
L as formas en que los bosques contribuyen al bienestar humano son variadas y de amplio alcance. Estos ecosistemas desempeñan una función fundamental en la lucha contra la pobreza rural, en el logro de la seguridad alimentaria y en el aseguramiento de medios de subsistencia decentes. Los bosques ofrecen además,...
Under the project “Support for the design of the MRV System in the framework of REDD+ Readiness in the Sudan,” FAO has been supporting the Sudan’s Government in the development of a robust National Forest Monitoring System (NFMS) to obtain up-to-date, reliable, transparent and accessible information about the state of the country’s...
In order to support developing countries in moving towards a more solid institutional setting, the FAO has adopted a stepwise approach to guide the development and adoption of a legal instrument aimed at institutionalizing an NFMS. In addition, an NFMS legal assessment matrix to assist countries in assessing and identifying relevant...
For countries eager to develop a robust and sustainable National Forest Monitoring System (NFMS), clear legal frameworks and instruments related to the collection and management of forest data are key. A recently launched UN-REDD publication, “Institutionalisation of forest data: Establishing legal frameworks for sustainable forest monitoring in REDD+ countries,” provides...
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