Архив мероприятий

Over 150 conferences, workshops, exhibitions, seminars, fairs and festivals were organised in 50 countries to celebrate the International Year of Natural Fibres. The IYNF coordinated by FAO and guided by an International Steering Committee, comprising representatives of the various natural fibre industries. FAO generated publicity, coordinated worldwide events and hold events.

The following main activities were carried out:

22 January 2009, Rome - FAO officially launched International Year of Natural Fibres to celebrate the virtues of cotton, flax, sisal and hemp, but also of wool, alpaca, camel hair and angora. The ceremony, was attended by senior FAO officials and representatives of governments and natural fibre industries worldwide, and was followed by a meeting of IYNF's Steering committee. 


16-19 April 2009, South Canterbury -  Creative Fibre, the New Zealand organisation for all fibre crafts, hold the Creative Fibre Festival bringing together spinners, weavers, knitters, dyers, flax workers, felters, crocheters, free form fibre artists and all other people involved in the use of fibre. 

20 April 2009, Rome FAO hosted in Rome a fashion show featuring clothing designed by Italian stylists who use 100% natural fibre textiles. 

20 May 2009, Sydney - For the celebration of the launch of the International Year of Natural Fibres, Australia's Minister for Agriculture, Fisheries and Forestry paid tribute to the country's wool and cotton producers. He was joined by Director-General of the United Nations Food and Agriculture Organization Dr Jacques Diouf; Regional Representative for the United Nations High Commissioner ; Assistant Food and Agriculture Organization Representative for the Pacific Islands ; key stakeholder groups and cotton and wool growers.

3-8 November 2009, Eastern Cape - Mohair South Africa organised the International Mohair Summit where growers, buyers, manufacturers, sellers, fashion designers and interior decorators from around the globe converged on the epicenter of the world Mohair industry to exchange innovations, grow new markets, explore new applications and experience first-hand the splendour of the place around which the Mohair industry revolves.