Webinar#5: “performing agricultural production with non-conventional water”
Hybrid Event, 20/01/2021

The State of Food and Agriculture 2020 report, recently published by FA0 addresses the two main water challenges affecting agriculture and food production: water shortages in rainfed agriculture and scarcity, affecting irrigated agriculture. The report suggests potential priorities for action for different types of productions and these actions can be adapted, in irrigated agriculture and in rainfed agriculture, using geospatial data made available by FAO: (http://www.fao.org/3/cb1447en/CB1447EN.pdf).
This report presents new findings on the progress towards SDG Target 6.4 and estimates how many people and how much agricultural land are experiencing water scarcity (through SDG Indicator 6.4.2 on water stress) and water shortages (through the historical drought frequency indicator).
The challenge posed by increasing water shortages and scarcity calls for integrated water management strategies and technologies. In fact, in the last two decades, the annual amount of available freshwater per person has declined by more than 20 percent. This is a particularly serious issue in Northern Africa and Western Asia, where the average annual volume of water per person barely reaches 1 000 m3, which is conventionally considered the threshold for severe water scarcity.
To answer what innovation and investments are needed for sustainable and productive water use, the report is highlighting the need to take very seriously both water scarcity (the imbalance between supply and demand for freshwater resources) and water shortages (reflected in inadequate rainfall patterns) and sending several strong messages.
One of these strong messages is: “Investing in non-consumptive uses of water – as can be done in aquaculture – and in non-conventional sources of water, such as water reuse and desalination, is an increasingly important strategy to offset scarcity; however, examples in this report show that innovations must be economically efficient, socially acceptable, environmentally sustainable and appropriate to the context”.
In this context and within the framework of the Regional Water Scarcity Initiative (WSI), FAO and its partners are continuing to support - more than ever before - countries in the Near East and north Africa region in addressing their most pressing challenges: assessing food and water security for sustainable economic and social development. To prevent acute water shortages, the reuse of non-conventional water resources for agricultural production is emerging as a priority for most countries.
Over the last years, several projects are implemented to tap into the potential of treated wastewater and drainage water for agricultural development.
FAO and its partners - ICBA, IWMI, WHO, and IME - joined forces to organize a webinar series for improved regional cooperation between countries in the field of non-conventional water reuse for agricultural development. These webinars will enhance knowledge and information on the safe use of treated wastewater and drainage water in agriculture. Some of them will focus on policy dialogue for strategies and initiatives promoting non-conventional water reuse in the region.
Discussion questions
The Webinar #5 is focusing on the optimal reuse of non-conventional water mainly treated wastewater and drainage water for agricultural production and will discuss a new holistic approach to perform this reuse for agricultural development. The following questions will be discussed:
- Turning Non-conventional water challenges into opportunities for agricultural production and development.
- Explore solutions related to real-life case examples of non-conventional water reuse and catch up on the latest related innovations.
- Updated technological and management solutions for treated wastewater reuse in agriculture.
- Brackish water use as resources for sustainable agricultural production.
- Brackish water use as resources for integrated agri-aquaculture (IAA) production systems.
- Food safety issues when irrigation is ensured with non-conventional water mainly treated wastewater reuse.
Webinar #5 is designed for national multidisciplinary teams, including policymakers and stakeholders from ministries of agriculture, water, environment and health and other research and development sectors, civil societies, and private sector entities involved and interested in the non-conventional water sector.
Technical specifications – Registration
Webinar #5 will use Zoom platform and will be conducted in French and English. Translation and all needed materials, documentation, and presentations will be made available to all registered participants.
Participants will have the opportunity to ask questions, make comments, and share relevant information and material through a chat function.
Webinar #5 will be recorded and made available along with the associated materials and documents on the web pages of FAO, WHO, IWMI, ICBA, and IME.
Register in advance for this webinar #5:
After registering, you will receive a confirmation email containing information to join the webinar #5.
For more info: Concept Note & Agenda