FAO Regional Office for Near East and North Africa

Extending social security for agricultural workers in the MENA region: A MENA Policy Incubator

Amman (Jordan), Hybrid Event, 24/06/2024 - 26/06/2024



Workers in the agriculture sector tend to be excluded from social insurance (SI) schemes and benefits such as old-age pensions, work injury benefits, maternity benefits and health insurance. In the MENA, several barriers prevent AW from registering for and accessing SI schemes, including exclusion from legal frameworks, financial barriers, administrative and institutional barriers, and participation and informational challenges. In addition to this exclusion, AWs are more likely to face health, economic, environmental and social risks. In other words, one of most exposed groups to idiosyncratic and covariate risks is also one of the least protected (FAO, ILO, IPC-IG, 2022a).  

AWs in the region are more likely to face health problems resulting from exposure to chemicals, toxic pesticides, and water-borne diseases. They are usually not covered by health insurance schemes and have less access to healthcare facilities than urban workers. Moreover, in the MENA region, AWs tend to work in environments lacking safety guidelines and standards of occupational safety, with inadequate transportation and no work injury compensation. In addition, the prevalence of daily and seasonal work and absence of stable and contractual employment relationships are major factors preventing AWs from accessing SI.  

In response and as part of their broader efforts to address informality and decent work deficits in the agriculture sector, the International Labour Organization (ILO) and the Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations (FAO) engaged with practitioners and policy makers in the MENA region to advance our understanding of the institutional, administrative, and financial barriers hindering the inclusion of agriculture workers in social insurance schemes. A series of policy briefs on this topic have been prepared as a result of extensive regional consultation in 2021-2022.  

Meeting Rational 

The collaboration between the ILO and FAO continues in establishing the MENA Policy Incubator. This endeavor seeks to cultivate a community of practice dedicated to advancing social security initiatives for AW within the MENA region.  


In view of setting the scene for the MENA Policy Incubator, an Expert Group Meeting will be organized and will aim to reflect on and solicit answers to three key questions:   

  1. What are the specific challenges with regard to including agricultural workers under social security legislation? and what are the coping strategies of workers to present and foreseen risks?  

  2. How can agricultural workers be included under social security legislation? 

  3. What else needs to be considered when aiming at including agricultural workers under social security legislation?  

Meeting Format 

The meeting is organized around the three key questions pertaining to the extension of social security to agricultural workers (please see above). The main streams of engagement will revolve around: 

  1. Challenges and opportunities to including agricultural workers under social security legislation 

  2. Innovations in extending social security coverage to agricultural workers 

  3. Strengthening incentives for formalization through linkages with other policy areas   

The format of engagement will be stimulating peer-to-peer knowledge exchange through panel presentations, focused discussions, thematic working groups, and other collective exercises.